Thursday, October 25, 2007

Apartment Living

Well, living close to town is great.

I'm writing this from the couch, squinting at the text on my screen and wondering why the Ads on TV are so much louder than the program.
Aimee is probably upstairs in her room, watching her TV too.

Lots of things have happened since the last post. We've moved into our rooms, I'm one floor down and one to the east of Aimee's room. Just a quick dash up the stairs when I need to borrow a frying pan or tomato.
We're been spending lots of time and money decorating, two weekends ago we put up some curtains in Aimee's room, and I had to buy a power drill to put up the curtain track to complete the task. A perfect excuse for MORE POWER!

Cycling in Toronto isn't as bad as i thought it might have been. It's been a while now since I rode my bike, after riding it every day to LANsmart. Today was the first day that the weather wasn't cold and raining (it was cold) and I didn't have to visit a client's all day.
Traffic was pretty good, the nice bright yellow jacket I have meant people in cars were well aware I was there, and gave me plenty of space.

The weather is cooling down, so days are feeling more like there's a chilly southerly running through the city every day. Temperatures are between 13 and 16 degrees C, not yet like the ski fields but I am seeing a few people wearing gloves and earmuffs now.

Toronto is still a great place to be, though I don't recommend trying to buy a house over here. House prices are even higher than in NZ, and the Ontario government just approved the 'Land Tax" which is another tax when house ownership changes hands. The state seems to be running low on cash so are taking it out on the residents.
THe government assisted TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) who runs the buses and subway tains in the city have raised prices this month, a monthly pass to catch the subway is now $110 a month. Still justifiable when you consider that every time you enter the system it costs you $2.75.

Anyway, check out some photos of our decorating, My room is very functional and technological with lots of toys, Aimee's room is just looks good. She's been very creative with excellent use of space.

Anyway, that's all for now - I'm sure we're planning some more trips to Ikea for more interior decorating options.


Anonymous said...

I believe the ads might be louder due to a higher compression, its done by the advertisers to get your attention

S.P :)

Anonymous said...

Like your diggs and techo setup. Very geeky. Good on ya!

Anonymous said...

ooohhh... can't wait to come visit! *wink*
- carmz -