And some might say the best day.
We woke up early with the intention of doing everything we haven't had a chance to do yet.
Hah! Ok, we'll try and cover a few more things anyway. As my parents say, it's nice to have a few things left undone so that you have an excuse to come back. =)
We checked out of the hotel, and went to continue our 48 hour tour.
As they had been closed yesterday, we went up to one of the sellers, who went and got the boss, and we were told that our tickets were still valid, and if anybody asks "just tell 'em Bobby sent ya!"
So today's tour was uptown. The tour would take us up the West side, around central park, through Harlem and back down the east side.
It was the best part of the tour because it was the real New York. Realistic living environments, and a very interesting part of town.
Interestingly dog walkers make $25 per dog per walk on the west side, compared to $15 per dog on the more affluent east side.

Anyway, as Aimee and I shivered away in the near freezing temperatures on top of the double decker, we had a great time laughing at the guide's jokes, and ducking as traffic lights passed very close overhead.
Harlem was nowhere near as scary as people make it sound. It looked very nice, and according to our guide, all the people who back in the 80's were making a living mugging are now in the lucrative market downtown of selling fake Prada and Gucci to tourists.
As the tour continued around central park, Aimee and I got off at the MET. The Metropolitan Museum of art.
Very cool museum with lots of fancy sculptures and paintings, we even met Napoleon Bonepart.

After 2 hours in here carrying all our luggage, I was ready to leave and we made the very lovely walk across central park to the the Museum of Natural History - as seen in the movie 'Night at the Museum'.
I was very impressed with all the pieces on display, but disappointed not to recognize any scenes from the movie. None at all!
It looks like hollywood struck again, a fake museum was created then torn down once shooting was finished.
We did see the dinosaur skeleton which was in the entrance in the movie, now up in the dino wing on the 3rd floor.

Great museum; well worth the visit.
Now it was time to go home, so we flagged down a yellow cab from outside, and after a comfortable trip to the airport we were waiting with the other passengers for our flight back to Canada.
The weather in canada had laid out a lot of snow on new years day, so the flight in front of us was still waiting for their plane.
Fortunately ours was on it's way, and with only a 30 minute delay, we were back home in Toronto and in bed ready for a full day's work tomorrow.
Hey you two! Wow NYC aye. We've heard it's great and it certainly looks like you two have had a great time there. So glad to have found your blog thanks to Chris' facebook. I'll be watching...
Love to ya both oh and Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2008
hi guys - so great to get updates on ur new york trip. what have you been up to lately? take care! miss you lots!
- c
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