Thursday, February 7, 2008

Snow snow snow

Now I know what you're going to say,
"Come on Chris, not another blog post about the weather".

But this is great. We had a really warm few weeks at the end of January - warm being relative; temps from 2 - 8 degrees some days. So that melted all the snow and took us just back to a cold green Toronto.
But since the weekend things have totally changed.
We had that big snowstorm while we were up snowboarding which dropped 30cm on the city, then last night the snow began again and it's put another 20cm on the city, making it the largest 24 hour snowfall in 30 years according to the TV.

That all comes on the back of people back home telling me that NZ's having their warmest Summer in 10 years. Hah, vote in the poll on the right of our blog and judge for yourself what is better - warm or cold.

I have to say, while the snow is very nice, when it melts it does cause a bit of a problem.
To help you summer ones understand what we're going through, imagine you're baking a really big cake. You need a lot of flour. You spill enough to leave a 30cm high pile on the floor.
You invite the rest of the neighbourhood to walk around in it for a while, then add in some water, salt and dirt.
Then have a few cars splash it around on your cupboard doors and all up your pants.
Then before it gets all sticky push it all up in a pile in front of your fridge so you have to step over it every time you want something.

That's nothing like what we're going through, but was fun to write =)

And the best bit, it's costing the city MILLIONS to clean it up. This snowfall from today is costing the city of Toronto $4 Million to clean up.
There's more predicted for the rest of the week, and still people continue to ride their bikes to work =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey guys
can you send some snow our way please, just enough so that it melts and leaves the grass all green? It's so damn dry around the place the cows have hardly anything to eat and our rainwater has run out... There are a few cows getting sunburnt too!
Sounds like you had an awesome time in NY, despite the whole getting shut out of the hotel thing...
Hope it starts to warm up soon, I'll try and send over a few 30degree days from the sunny Wairarapa!