Saturday, April 5, 2008


Toronto airport is actually quite nice.
We had only seen the arrival side, so sitting in the departure lounge i'm plugged into the free wireless internet and free power plugs so i'm happy.

There's an hour until we board our flight, it's going to be technically 48 hours until we get to see Wellington shores.
See, we leave Toronto at 8pm, Saturday, and arrive in Wellington 9pm Monday.
Then coming back, we arrive at the same time we left. No fair. We lose two days going home but only gain one on the way back.
Who can I sue for this lost day?

Aimee and I were talking before, and we have decided that along with the inflight entertainment package that you get from your seat, there should be an inflight exercise program.
I'm thinking some pedals or a treadmill under the seats that you can use while you watch the inflight movie.
They could even go so far as to use the energy you're creating in your workout to put power back into the plane in much the same way as some Gyms do with their exercise equipment.
I'm thinking of a readout above you of your original ticket price, and as you exercise the price goes down so you get a nice little bonus as you step off the plane.

We're just worried that the airlines will actually come to rely on the passengers to supply energy that they will make it mandatory to do a few km's or we start losing altitude!

Something to ponder as we sit for the next few hours trying to block out the noise of the engines.