Thursday, May 1, 2008

Aimee and Chris back in Canada

So we're back.
We've actually been back a couple of weeks now, things are moving along like we'd never left.

Getting back to NZ was great, thank you to all the people with whom we were able to share dinners, lunches and even a brunch (although our tardiness made it lunch).

As most of you will know, flying around the world is very tiring. On the way back to NZ we had managed to score seats close to the front on all 4 legs of the trip, however coming back to Canada was a different story. Only four rows from the back of the plane meant we felt every flick and waggle of the 777's tail as we bumped our way across a turbulent pacific.

At one air pocket, people even screamed as the whole plane dropped a couple of feet. You could hear the pilots powering up the engines to pull the plane through and it was rather disconcerting.

As usual, American customs agents welcomed us with open arms, fingerprints, iris scans, metal detectors and having to re-check our bags even though we were transiting.

I think part of the problem there is LAX isn't designed for transit passengers. You have to clear customs because there's no link back to the outgoing planes. To get to departures you have to go outside and up a level; perhaps some internal stairs like at Sydney would help?

Whatever the design problems, transiting thru LAX was pretty painless, except for the lack of signage.

After finally arriving back in toronto, we were treated to a most excellent midnight feast and then safely transported back to our beds.


Chris Riddell said...

Please comment on our blog.
However, due to the fact spammers are putting weird comments, I'm having to moderate them before they go live.
In the words of Canadians everywhere, "we apologise for this inconvenience".

Anonymous said...

ps. i reckon you should make your page private. exclusive to your friends and families only! -c-

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris (and Leng),
maybe you should not ask for comments anymore, 'coz whatever you write in your blog are your own experiences and narrative that you want to share with us readers. we should be thankful that you're sharing them with this respect, if we would like to comment - maybe its proper that we write it in nice words, negative comments sound constructive if properly said.
