Snow fell on the ground yesterday morning, enough to turn the flower beds white and to give Aimee and I silly giggles as we walked through town.
Halloween is over, and the next set of decorating has begun for the local homeowners.
The garden displays for the scary season started going up a month before the actual day, and some were very elaborate. Pumpkins of course were getting sold by the barrow, and inflatable ghosts were jumping out of inflatable pumpkins...

Christmas is now just around the corner, and house lighting displays are beginning to take shape. The lights in the city are becoming festive, the only thing remaining now is for the Christmas sales and promotions to start.
Now, in any christmas I'm used to we'd be packing away the skis (unless Ruapehu had another great season and managed to do Christmas skiing), bring out the sunscreen and roll back the rain cover form the bbq.
However, things are a little different here; going outside is like falling into the harbour after capsizing during a bad gybe. You're just not ready for it.
I'm putting the hood on my jacket and looking at some more suitable footwear than my black work shoes. Apparently my jeans will be fine though.
Today is the Santa parade, so we're off to join the other 500,000 Torontonions who turn out every year to line the streets to get free candy. Dress in layers, lots of layers =)
we have exams dis week..
i got one ov mi result..
boring ol social studiez..
nd it was achieved exellence achieveLOL nd merit..
on d 1st achieved daht was d higest mark..
yah getz..
wel i was lyk 3rd n d class so algudz..
seemz very cold..
wat cha guna giv me if i get top of d class agen..
prob wnt..
clas m8z jus 2 smart dis year..
i do study tho if u wer wondern..
but nt so much..
m i tlkn 2 much..
i thnk i am..
Hi Leng and Chris,
I'm glad you're still updating this site. Can you write more frequently? Then, maybe not, you mught run out of stories to tell nyahahaha----EFC
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