Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bike repairs

I've been trying to avoid ending the holiday.
Aimee is busy writing her resume, so I'm outside fixing up one of the bikes in the shed here. It's got a couple of flat tyres and the gears need work but otherwise it's in fine condition. It's just a bit short for me so Aimee will be the one doing the riding.

Today is my turn to finish my resume. I need to compact my 6 page CV into a 1 - 2 page executive summary of my career and skills highlighting my strengths which will hopefully be enough tantalising information to get me an interview.
If anybody knows of an system engineer job going in the downtown Toronto area which is paying well, hook a brother up!

If we get this done today, then we're off to Canada's Wonderland again. Some roller coasters again and also some swimming! Last time we only did a few of them, most are similar to rides in Gold Coast except for the Tomb Raider ride - you lie flat as you fly like superman through loops and twists. There's also a ride where you're standing up, and can feel the G forces as you pull through corners. Very cool...

Right, enough stalling, must continue talking myself up.

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