Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Our last day in Vancouver involved sleeping, and packing.
Vancouver airport looks a lot different departing than it does for arriving, perhaps they hold all the nice shops for the international passengers and the domestic passengers just get a gate lounge.
The flight was delayed when we checked in, and for the second time this trip we needed to re-organise our bags at the airport cos Aimee was overweight (the bag, not her!).

So after waiting the extra 30 minutes, we got on the plane to go to Toronto.
It was dark when we arrived, and we had time to look around the airport a bit before our host family came to pick us up. In true Filipino style, they had been out partying and were delighted to see us.
Aimee's Aunt Haydee, Uncle Joy, counsins Jun-jun and Hanna live in the very nice city of Vaughn, in the suburb of Woodbridge which is about 20 minutes north of Toronto downtown area.

They have a beautiful house and have been kind enough to open their doors and share their beds with us while we get settled here in Toronto.

The next day we had a bit of a relaxing start. Then because it is Sunday, we headed of to their church. After a very musical service, we assisted in pulling a few weeds from the front garden, before heading off to drop Aimee's brother Alex off to the airport. He's continuing his trip around the world, and it was nice to catch up with him, even if it's only for a few hours.
We head home for a 'early' night as it's a big day tomorrow.

Oohh, before I forget, it's Canada day today! July 1st is Canada day (like our Waitangi day) and a day for all Canadians to be proud of their country and wave flags. They also have a big fireworks show.

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